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Original Design, Total Branding Solution Cerebrum Design is the “ innovative one-stop ” design branding consultancy firm. We understand that a strong brand foundation is essential for brand success and that innovation is a key driver for business growth. We comprehend our creativity with the logical sense of marketability and commercial viability, while Managing brand image consistency through out the process. We are experience creators, bridging consumer’s aspirations with the core values of brands today. Cerebrum Design is one of the most established design consultancy in Taiwan and Thailand, and the business footprint extends to Sweden, India, Cambodia, France, Singapore, China / Hong Kong, and Japan. With these project experience, Cerebrum Design develops extensive creative insights about consumer trends and design trends in the global market. Cerebrum Design always been referred on exploring Asian insights and at the same time, assisted Asian brands and manufacturers to develop creative products as well as a distinctive brand identity for the global market.
中視資訊科技股份有限公司簡介 中國電視公司於1999年率先成立「中視資訊科技公司」,正式成為中視媒體跨入數位化及無線網路化發展的導入團隊,公司目標積極投入數位工程技術、多媒體內容製作及媒體平台經營管理和人才育成的業務,在全體技術團隊的努力下,業績逐年穩定成長。 初期中視資訊科技公司接受大愛電視台之委託連續七年餘,負責整體電視台之主副控、攝影棚、冷空調及電力等整棟播出大樓之工程營運。進而製作空中大學的教學節目,中華電信MOD兩年之新聞及娛樂兩頻道24小時之製播業務。2007初取得經濟部工業局行動台灣WiMAX旗艦建置及移動傳輸應用平台案,開啟台灣無線寬頻網路之先鋒,建置了南北全區的骨幹傳輸。繼而取得NCC推動手持電視DVB-H試播計劃,測試廣播新通路在桃園以北之場測,並與七家內容服務業、兩家國外平台(諾基亞 & 摩托羅拉公司)、三家電信公司、三家手持設備合作測試互動內容。 除了以上數位工程技術之推動建置外,自1999陸續投入全數位化高畫質製播及剪接系統、儲存系統,積極投入媒體視訊內容製作,以因應web2.0的資訊時代,並提昇影音製作之即時性。過去幾年承做廣電基金「詩畫美濃」、新聞局「魔幻今宵」得到worldfest houston金牌獎及魅力台灣文化之美「軋影戲」、花蓮縣政府簡介、退輔會「武陵農場四季景觀高畫質影片」、陽明山國家公園「陽明讀景」多媒體影片等等皆為高畫質拍攝製作,都得到極佳好評的作品。 2009增加之營業項目,含MYLIFE醫院網路頻道、2010桃園跨年晚會、音樂會及各項公關行銷活動;2009臺北聽障奧林匹克運動會籌備委員會基金會之2009年臺北聽障奧運宣傳轉播暨視訊製播委外執行辦理服務案. 1)開閉幕及賽事Live及Delay Live轉播 2)賽事錄影 3)新聞專題報導及活動SNG報導 2010在既有的業務外,另外接經濟部商業司的台灣商圈互通平台三年建構案,智慧台灣的各場域研究開發,中科亦會與各縣市合作.行動平台android的應用開發亦會是重點. 中科自許傳播界資訊科技發展的尖兵,將不斷與世界先進國家接軌,積極參與數位傳播工程技術研發,創意媒體內容製作,培育更多傳播菁英人才,永遠保持技術領先、品質領先、創意領先。
GBS started as a trading company in 2003 to serve the semiconductor market in Singapore. Its earlier products were mainly precision machined parts from Korea which were fast becoming a commodity as the industry matured. In order to remain relevant in the marketplace, a better definition was made to our business strategy. Our goal is to create sustainable and differentiated value propositions to our customers by leveraging on our Partners’ core competencies, our network and developing local expertise in supporting the defined products and services. In line with the business strategy in moving up the value chain, we have set up a Heater Pedestal refurb facility in Singapore in 2009 under a licensing agreement with our US’s technology partner, Aceco Precision Manufacturing – a 5 times Intel (2005-2009) PQS Award winner. As part of our growth strategies; growing beyond Singapore and Semiconductor. An associated company, GBS (Taiwan) was incorporated in Hsinchu in 2009 to serve our customers in Taiwan and China. Leveraging on our Partners’ technologies meant for semiconductor manufacturing, new applications were developed in new market segments such in the Defense, LED and Solar manufacturing.
The Market Leader Heller Industries, the market leader in oven technology, supplies solutions for electronics manufacturers and assemblers worldwide. We provide continuity in sales, engineering and support for the life of your system… with a single point of contact… and a fast-moving, knowledgeable service organization. Our reliability is one reason Heller has grown so steadily over the years, particularly in global markets, where business relationships require years of commitment.
http://www.kamia.com.tw/index.html KAMIA is the intersection between an angel fund and a product development firm. By investing in an innovative product development process, we seek to improve the value and competitive advantage of businesses. We often see small and medium businesses struggle to gain market share, not because they do not have a great product to offer, but because they are inexperienced in developing strong brands and executing quality product development processes. Large companies often hire product development consultancies to take care of this, however small and medium businesses often lack the development budget to hire consultancies. By partnering with businesses that have great products, technologies, or services to offer, we bring in the experience, time, and investment needed to help them build their competitive advantage.
Telmar Network Technology is a market leading provider of communications products and services to OEMs, enterprise and network service providers worldwide. For over 40 years, we have delivered compelling communications solutions to help our customers expand and maintain their networks. Our Network Support solutions such as multi-vendor repair, spares management, asset management programs and 24/7 technical assistance, allow service providers and OEMs to streamline their processes, reduce cost and focus critical resource on core business. Our OEM solutions extend the life of the product lines we have acquired by continuing legacy product development, and adding new features and enhancements. Telmar delivers the highest quality Supply solutions such as new and certified pre-owned products, asset disposition & consignment as well as customized logistics & warehousing programs which reduce our customer’s capital and operational spend, without comprising network reliability or performance. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Telmar has over 800 employees in 14 countries around the world.
About Us More than twenty years ago, KAB started as a humble two-person family business commenced in Taipei molding plugs and connectors for local Taiwanese manufacturers. This business has today transformed into a dynamic manufacturing entity with over 800 employees across Taipei and China. Armed with this wealth of accumulated manufacturing experience, we have expanded towards a whole range of electrical and electronic products which are exported around the world. Through persistence and our loyal customer base, we continue to build on a reputation for producing quality electrical products, attention to presentation, product detail and excellence in customer service. Company Profile KAB Enterprise has two factories supplying the international market with one located in just outside Taipei, in Panchiao City whilst our main production facility is located in Dong Guan area of China. Our headquarters are located about 40 minutes from Taipei City and comprises of Sales and Marketing, Shipping, Finance as well as Research and product development division. Research Development KAB Enterprise is continually investing in research and development of new applications and innovative products for our customers and we encourage continuous communication between our customers to discuss new product lines with us.
Samsonico International Co., Ltd. was established in 1973. We are a trading company that have more than 30 years experience in gift items, particularly gifts for men, game sets, gadget tools are our main products. However, we are also capable in sourcing and developing new product lines in this industry. We are key vendor to Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Dillards, Stein Mart, and Bon Ton. We also produce all of the gifts for Chaps, Tommy Hilfiger, Nike, Guess, and Nautica for brands lines. Through past 10 years, Samsonico has grown even bigger in sourcing products in varies categories including electronics products and small home appliance. With Samsonico, we provides, creates, manages and delivers the right information and goods to our customers at the right time, in the right format. We perform good services and always ensure our product quality have lead us to the successful stage of having good and long relationship with all of our customers today. We are also capable in product and packaging design, and can come up with the unique creation for our customers to meet the market tendency and prevailing trend; that has been the main strength to keep our business grow with branded gift items such as Nautica, Chaps, Tommy Hilfiger, etc. Furthermore, we have a quantity control team in China that take care of the quality in products we ship to the customers. With us, you are ensured both quality and service.
三竹資訊股份有限公司 創立於民國 80 年,並於89年正式成為公開發行公司,主要從事金融資訊軟體研發、交易系統研發及行動加值系統研發。目前主要產品包含:金融智慧型語音下單系統,市佔率台灣第一、簡訊SMS企業簡訊平台系統,市佔率台灣第一,行動金融資訊交易平台,市佔率台灣第一;為最專業金融交易系統及行動金融領導廠商。 本公司擁有優秀的經營及研發團隊,秉持著『服務社會,研發為本』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,獲利狀況也逐年提昇,是國內績優廠商之一。且業務拓展也拓展至大陸,期望成為兩岸三地金融資訊及通訊領導廠商。 本公司為全台灣之券商電子交易系統的掌舵者。在證券市場的佔有率達95%,提供IVR語音交易系統、SMS企業簡訊平台及全方位行動應用平台,行動應用平台包含:WAP、JAVA、SMS、PDA、BADA、QT、iPhone、Android、iPad、Android Pad及WP7等產品。 本公司目前各項產品線,在市場上均為市佔率第一的領導廠商,業務上除協助券商建置行動交易平台且與各電信業建置完整行動金融資訊服務平台,並積極開拓手機內置通路,期望多元化佈局,完整行動金融資訊系統。本公司具有超強之研發團隊,更擁有數十項之多國的發明專利。在台灣行動應用研發上均處於領導廠商之地位,並多次蟬連iPhone應用程式類下載雙料冠軍。現為中華電信、台灣大哥大、遠傳電信、亞太電信、威寶電信及大眾電信等行動金融加值服務主要合作夥伴,除此之外,本公司並與HTC、NOKIA、Samsung、聯發科、MOTO等建議合作策略聯盟關係,共同推廣行動應用系統服務。 目前為因應行動業務的成長及中國大陸之市場業務拓展,正舉行擴大徵才,邀請有能力、有興趣中國市場開拓及成為專業行動應用廠商的夥伴,加入三竹資訊。 我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入三竹資訊股份有限公司的工作行列。
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